Sunday, January 30, 2005


I Don't Have Time For This Really

It snowed again last nite. It is far too early into the season to be sick of the snow, but I am. I gave my son the option of vacuuming the downstairs or shoveling the front walk. He chose to stay inside and vacuum. I don't blame him. So, with ergonimically correct shovel in hand, I head out to clear our path to civilization. Our house is set in a weird neighborhood, full of throwbacks to 1968 (we have two geodesic dome houses in our 'hood). It sets way down in the woods--quite lovely three seasons out of four. Winters are not fun. I must confess that there is a mini-mart 1/8 mile away, but when it snows, it might as well be 100.

Anyway, I clear our path and start back down the hill toward the house. I bonk my head twice with the shovel handle, cussing it out. Then I realize that my ergonimically designed shovel handle is bent in such a way that it is the right angle for head-bonking a person of my short stature. Does the government even allow straight handled shovels anymore?

This weekend was very productive quilt-wise. I finished two class samples for a beginning quilting class in May. I originally started with a design that would produce a larger wallhanging, but when I added up my time, I thought it might be a bit too challenging for a group who might not have used a sewing machine since high school. I designed a second one that should work just fine. I printed off some labels on my printer and tried to fuse them to the backs. It wasn't my normal brand of the sticky stuff, but it's what I had laying around. It will be okay, but I'm not too happy.

Dissatisfaction...too much snow, a shovel with an on-purpose bent handle, and an overly gluey fusible web.

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