Friday, May 27, 2005


The Dangers of Multi-Tasking

It seemed simple enough. Make the basting concoction for the chicken and make hummingbird food. My son Max said he saw one flying eye-level at the deck door looking for the feeder. The hummingbird food is 1 cup water to 1 1/2 cups gran. sugar. Cook till clear.

The basting concoction...I'm letting you in on a secret. This is what Esther (the Mennonite cleaning lady at my last job) uses at all the chicken barbeques her church does for fund raisers. Take one stick of butter. Stick it in a pyrex measuring cup and melt it in the microwave. Take some apple cider vinegar and pour in until you can kind of smell it above the butter. Add plenty of salt (I use kosher) and black pepper. Mix together and baste the chicken while it is grilling. Esther puts it in a spray bottle. I tried it, but as the butter cooled, it started clogging. PS: Drinking wine during the grilling process also helps.

So I had the hummingbird food cooling on the stove in a small saucepan and the measuring cup of Esther's chicken juice on the counter. Whoops! I forgot the pepper! Went to the pantry. Couldn't find the black pepper, but found the white pepper. Took off the lid and dumped a good shaker-full in the hummingbird food.

It's been a long week.

LOL! And I just dare anyone to say they've never done anything like that . . .

I once dunked a Vietnamese fried dumpling in my tea, rather than in the fish sauce the dumplings came with, didn't even notice, went on talking and waving my chopsticks, while my friends were laughing their a@#es off. And I thought they were laughing at the storey I was telling. Nope. Red face anyone?
Your hummingbird mixture is not at all what I've been told.

I use a 4:1 mixture of water:sugar. Per the people at the bird store.
Boy...those hummers will be humming a DIFFERENT tune after that stuff!! Yeow!

And yes, I've done some strange things too.....

Any other hummingbird food tips? Someone told me 2 sugar to 1 water. It was clogging up my feeder something fierce. So I cut back the sugar. Maybe I should cut back more.
Every recipe I've heard for hummer food was the 4:1 ratio water:sugar.

Give it a try. The birds will be happy; the feeder will not mildew quite as easily.

check out:
We have hummer nests and don't use a feeder at all. Just plant lots of flowers they like. Jen
Ever dropped a whole roasting chicken on the kitchen floor? (it makes an unmistakable squishy thump) I did once, and it was followed by total silence emanating from the adjacent dining room where 5 hungry diners/visitors were awaiting their dinner?

I have enjoyed reading your light hearted way of writing and I'll visit again.
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