Monday, July 25, 2005



Here is the latest teenager to grace our home. His name is Lucky (so much for inventive cat names).

The story goes like this. I'm riding a trolley in Paducah during the show, when the cell phone rings from my husband. "Howz it going? Well, something happened today." In my pessimistic mind, I'm thinking "He was in an accident. Something happened to one of the kids...(and the list of horrors goes on from there)".

He says "Well during the shoot today (he was doing a commercial for a city-wide clean up project), some kids found three kittens under an abandoned car. I brought one home and we're feeding it cat milk from the pet store."

(Note: I really wasn't looking for a cat. I wanted a Yorkshire Terrier. We had already had a bad experience with a stray tom cat for about 4 months. We had to relocate him (i.e., Animal Rescue League) because he was getting the crap kicked out of him by some neighborhood cat and he wasn't happy to remain a housecat. See February blog).

Given the other horrific things that could have happened, a small cat seemed harmless enough. When I arrived back from AQS, I was introduced to our new family member (he was so small he looked like a large hamster). I honestly didn't know if he was going to make it. But as luck would have it, he has grown into a sassy teenager cat.

Our home now belongs to him and he is allowing us to live in it. Any tips from "cat people" would be appreciated, as I am finding myself becoming one of your kind.

Awww, Lucky is so sweet! We have a cat named Lucky also, he was a pound rescue, thus the name. That's such a fun age with cats, they're so lanky and sprawly, just like teenage kids. You asked for tips, well I think they still love to play at that age, Paper bags are always fun, or aluminum foil balls, or wires with feathers to chase after.
Oh Jo, he is adorable. Get him fixed soon!! You don't want him to start spraying. Uhm, skip anything with wire....had a real bad (and $$$) experience with a coiled pipecleaner that got stepped on, flattened and then swallowed. My cat (who is now almost 2) loves crumpled paper. If I am working and wad up a piece of paper to throw out she waits for me to toss it in the garbage and then fishes it out and plays with it. She will also play with, pens, pencils, golf balls, a small box of wooden matches (that WERE sitting on the dining room table next to a candle....never mind that she is NOT allowed on the table....those matches just jumped onto the floor on their own). Actually, anything is fair game. My DH and the kids like to play with her using a piece of crumpled paper tied to fishing line that is still on the pole....yep, they *fish* in the living room at night while we are watching TV.....

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