Friday, March 10, 2006


Proof That We Have Survived

There are three things that remind me that we have survived another winter. One are these snowbells. The first little flowers that show up around here. The second (which hasn't happened yet) is what I call "The Greening of the Willow Canes". There are a few weeping willow trees nearby whose branches begin to turn a limey green as the weather warms. And last, when the sign appears that Bohringers hamburger stand will open for the season on March 17. Bohringers is one of those little hamburger stands from the '50's that somehow has survived. You eat out on picnic tables. They make their own ice cream (lemon is the best). The place is always mobbed.

Now on to quilt stuff. I began working on the center of my Rockin Squares project. I'm happy with the colors so far (although the 3 yard panel I dyed for the borders may be too light and will have to be overdyed.) As you can see, though, the cat likes what I've done so far!

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