Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Quilting Finished

This is the back of the pink/green/blue drunkard's path quilt for our guild charity project. I re-basted the entire thing and the quilting went much more smoothly.

Here's why I encourage everyone to make a lot of quilts...

With every one, you learn a little get a little learn to save time and frustration.

It's the only way to improve your skills. You can read all of the magazines and books in the world, but you gotta take the step and do it.

Working on quilts for these kinds of things is good for you. Sure, they are usually traditional quilts, but you can still decorate them with machine quilting you wanted to try. This is far from perfect, but in the end, someone gets a nifty quilt and you, as the quiltmaker, get practice. How many things in life are as mutually beneficial as that?

Next project.... I am using the hand dyed scraps from an earlier project for the second in a series I've been working on for 5 years. Yes...only the second in five years. Shameful.

I keep saying I'm going to practice daily...but it has yet to happen.
uuuh.. I hate having to do stuff over again but in the end all the extra work is always worth it! looks great - now what does the front look like? :-)
Baby quilts are a great medium for trying out new techniques and mastering skills.
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