Saturday, December 02, 2006


Stuff 'n Junk

I've been everywhere, man. I've been everywhere. Currently working on a commission that I can't show until after December 18th when it's being presented to someone at a dinner. It's composed of 16 blocks with sashing and 8" borders. It's about 60" square. A large wall hanging in batiks with a traditional composition. I got all of the blocks quilted today and have to figure out something for the sashing. I've also been working at my "real" job more, as this is a busy time of the year for my husband.

Did two quilt appraisals this week. It's good to get in front of quilts and I really enjoy the process of working with clients.

Something else new... I'm starting college in January. BA in Art History @ Mansfield University. Some will be on-line. Some will be at other PA state colleges in the area. This is going to take some time. However, as I journeyed on in my art and appraising career, I just felt that my education was not broad-based enough. I'm really looking forward to starting, but I'm scared. Wondering if I can cut it. They took all of my credits from classes taken over the years. I figure that if I do what I need to do, it will take me 6 years to finish. My son and I will be finishing about the same time...go figure.

I hope your classes are very interesting and fun! Please share this adventure in at ThreadNest as you go through it!
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