Sunday, January 21, 2007


A Commission & Half-Squares My Way

Here's a pic of a quilt I was commissioned to make in December full of children's drawings. Never took a shot of it completed. Attractive dryer vent to the left.

As promised, here are half-squares the way that annoys me the least. These get boring after awhile and doing them this way makes it tolerable for me. I need 300 of these for the quilt I'm currently working on....

First slice bias strips wide enough to go point to point on the desired finished square measurement, plus 1/2" (two 1/4" seam allowances)

Next place the strips right sides together...

Sew 1/4" seam down one side...

Keep adding strips to each side, until you've created a nice hunk of stripped fabric. Press your seam allowances as you desire. In this case, toward the dark fabric...

I am using a 6" square here. My desired unfinished size of the squares is 3". Align the diagonal line on your seam line (the ditch)...

And again...

Cut the two sides along the top of your ruler...

Keep doing this on your stripped piece of fabric until you get a stack of these...

Turn the stack around...

Align your freshly cut edge with the edge of your square and again aligning the diagonal line of the ruler along your stitched seam...

And there you have it. A perfect non-wonky patch!

On other notes, last week was my first week of being a college student again. Had a few technology issues (taking quizzes online), which will hopefully be worked out before my next math quiz on Tuesday. I'm okay with the actual school work, but computer things not working makes me crazy. I took one quiz 5 times and I still don't know if it went through with answers in it or not. I already had to write a paper and have another big one due on 2/8. I haven't picked a topic yet, which needs to be done early this week.

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