Monday, February 26, 2007



I am currently enrolled as a Art History major at Mansfield Univ. This is to complete a degree which should have been completed 30 years ago.

I'm taking 2 classes a semester and at this rate, my son and I should graduate college about the same time. Anyway...this Thursday is my first "big" exam. And I'm a wreck. My husband keeps saying, "Don't worry about it...all you have to do is get a "C". Well, I'm not a "C" kinda gal. So far, I've been doing pretty well in this one particular class: Math & Culture. My other class is Intro to Art History and that is going fine. But even though the Math class isn't actually doing problems, it does deal with understanding the great theorems of math and being able to interrelate them. We also did a logic exercise...something which I had never even heard of before now. I've been spending a lot of time with math, therefore, not a lot of time quilting.

The bag for the museum is still in pieces. I had bought the last of the brown fabric and have gone to 2 other stores and not been able to match it (I need one more yard...thought I'd have enough when I bought the end of the bolt). So I have decided to "celebrate the difference." The back side is going to be purple.

The one thing that I will say about being in school at this late stage of the game...I seem to appreciate education more. When you're younger, you (or at least I) are more interested in social stuff, the future, activities, yada, yada. In my position, I feel that I'm able to look at the book knowledge and have life experience to apply it and appreciate it. So I guess that's a good thing. The down side...I'm old. Being a typical type "A"...What will I do with this knowledge? I dunno. I do feel that the art side is definitely helpful in appraising. I'm being exposed to wonderful works of art that yeah, you see them in a museum, but to break down the process, learn about the artist and the circumstances in which the art was created, is a wonderful experience.

So that's it for now. Gotta study math.

I agree, learning is so much more meaningful and fun once older and more experience is under the bra! ;)

Do well on your test!
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