Saturday, March 17, 2007


Golly What A Mess!

It rained, snowed, sleeted and snowed again for the past two days. Nasty. Heavy snow. Since my asthma is a mess because it was 70 degrees earlier in the week and it's 30 degrees now, I am on a bunch of prednisone again. At least I can breathe, but it makes you wide awake after a day or two. So I was up at 4AM this morning, organizing the sewing room which has gone to shambles after the Museum Bag project:

My goal here is to cut the rest of the squares. According to my calculations, I need to cut the following: 222 Light 3" squares; 222 Dark 3" squares; 222 light/dark patches measuring 3" finished.

I have 26 blocks finished. I need 100. Here they are....

So at least I'm sorted into piles of light and dark, got the ironing board set up and I'm ready to press and cut. You will note on the first pic, the lovely cutting mat you get with the expensive sewing table to the left of the pic. The machine pushes down below the surface. You get a piece to cover the hole, and then you get a cutting mat the entire size of the table top. Sweet. A bit hard to store the cutting mat, but very sweet. Hey, but what else do I do? I don't go to bars (much), only buy clothes/shoes when necessary, and never buy jewelry. I just sew.

Okay, then after the pile sorting, I wrote up the directions for the Museum Bag just in case I died or something and someone else wanted to make one. Then Dyl & I shoveled the front and back decks. Nasty, Nasty, Nasty. Heavy, wet, awful. And one of the shovels broke. Great.

Might take the kids sledding this afternoon after the roads clear up. But the sun is shining and last night the deer cleaned out my birdfeeders.

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