Monday, May 14, 2007


Mom's Day

We have a tradition around Mother's Day in Berks County....And it always involves plants. I don't really know exactly how it started, but I'm sure it has something to do with my dad always saying that the earliest you can plant is Mother's Day. The winter just hangs on too long to start any earlier. So my lovely family graced me with some geraniums for the front hanger....

And then the real work started. After 14 years of living here, we have finally decided to do something with the flower beds...or lack thereof. Twenty bags of mulch and $135 later, we had this...

Not bad, if I do say so myself...I told DH that we better put the "Sale" sign on the place NOW! We aren't planning to do so for at least 4 years, but we're daydreaming a bit these days. We'd like a place with some acreage. We have 1.3 right now, but would like to have at least 5, a small barn, and separate rooms to support our hobbies. Maybe move the studio onsite. We'd like to have some critters too. When we first moved here 14 years ago, we looked at a place not too far away from here that met all of the criteria. However, with a 1 & 3 year old and full time jobs outside the house, we felt it was too much for us at the time. We were probably right, but now we're kicking our butts. So, we will continue to repair and improve our current abode...and dream.

I took Mom's Day off from work/housework/sewing stuff, so today it's catchup. We have a busy week with Max attending his first prom (he got asked by a Senior girl). Things have changed a lot since 1976. The kids kind of go in gangs to these affairs. I splurged on flowers (granted I don't even know this girl, just that she's a good kid and in the orchestra). We went to the florist, where the wrist corsages started at $16.99. "Show me more" I say. So they did, and I ended up purchasing the corsage that "I" would have liked to get in 1976, but didn't. Total flower bill $39.99 (corsage & boutinneire). In 1976, you had to get some guy to ask you to the prom or else you didn't go. "It just wasn't done", I explain to my son. He looks at me like I'm an alien. "And girls didn't ask guys, either". (Another look). "So if you didn't get asked, you just didn't go", he asks. "Yup." "That's kind of sad," he says. "It is." As a quilt appraiser, I relish things from the past, but this is one area that I'm glad has changed.

I'm sure your son's date will love the corsage. While much from the past is worth paying attention to, there ARE some things that should stay in the past.

Happy Mother's day to you!
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